"∆ Astonishing Tennessee Tropical Paradise 8-2016 † PLOTTPALMTREES .COM"

2 years ago

Dedicated To Rhonda Kay BANNED 3 TIMES
ADDED ERIK GEOFFREY VON LEONARDO PLOTT When he Returns Nov Here is the LINK https://www.facebook.com/ErikGeoffreyVonLeonardoPlott

There is a facebook version of this, with AUDIO BLOCKED, and Youtube version with Block , will leave link to both at BOTTOM, for historic Reference below. Why did they Ban this video so many times?

CLICK To Watch the latest RIP GOOD BYE To Rhonda Leigh Kay here

(Dont Forget to Subscribe Like and Share those other Channels)
and Her Last Greatest Podcast here
It's funny how the villain of one's story is the hero of another's. And eye am both
#ThoughtProfess ~E.G.Plott~


OTHER SPECIAL VIDEO LINKS Posted Around this time on Private Erik Plott Fan Page here https://www.facebook.com/realPlott/posts/pfbid0ugjqthzAsNfoDahEazoTPb5wXQb21BXmyGzpYycuzoGAnmwTtVK6EpvXUvvNYHn4l

IF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING Post Thought Profess here https://www.facebook.com/realPlott/posts/pfbid02uaWiAhRkgPnKG4qLykzQuM1rWwcZ3uYbW4rQbithVLAe3Lf9mmfyyp3bBwDTTHEil

-----------------------------------------------------FULL WRITE UP AND ART FOR MOVIE HERE https://www.facebook.com/realPlott/posts/pfbid0xr6vBkYfm4givUJuTdUvCTQs7JBvuanxaRWNooGWmoi6FJ5uT6FPABbBfWgi2XrWl

When I was working with autistic Delinquent at a government organization, I was doing too much and had way too many things on my plate between helping the autistic adults and children, and then cancer patients diabetics and high blood pressure or heart disease clients as well as HIV aids patients. It all began to pile up on me quickly. As soon as one was cured they were telling all their community and friends and everybody was jumping to my 800 number. Which eventually got canceled and taken over as well all my websites have been banned by USA. So I didn’t even call two week notice and just up and fled as I lost my mind with Rhonda Kay we fled to the smoky mountains and I made that astonishing smoky mountain movie which all audios have been removed and I was still a believer in Yahuah or the Bible God. So I will re-upload this movie on rumble so you can hear it as it does have a very powerful message, of the last remnant remains of that Eric Plott that most people know me as, the white sun worshiper orderite
So this was a picture I had made depicting her brother and the world that I was in while in the smoky mountains cabins and champions Drive at the Royal Oaks golf course. Where I experienced for the first time my black spinning vortex or what it told me was a Black Sun and I had never heard of that before
This painting was more of a doodle as I can draw a bit better than this, but I just threw this together and it has some intrinsic value to me still to this day and I feel it was pertinent found in the astonishing Tennessee movie, which I love the eagles song called Last resort
The Facebook version I believe was also audio banned and YouTube is all silenced.
But I showed people how to find a spring com and harvest fresh spring water near your Findaspring.com
And stuff like this and of course explained the importance of Moringa as the most nutritional tree known to mankind.
I became known as the Moringa King back at those times as the number one ranked online superfood store was my site TheKazweh com
And I sold clothing and electronics and superfoods.
Made a huge profit like we never seen and Rhonda was quite happy about this as she was investing in me as well that I would always help give her security
Well all that changed in 2016 when they cut my websites off and I was shadow banned as wel the industry had given me the last warning before they ran Rhonda off the road and totaled her Mini Cooper I just had helped her get.
I will never forget seeing the broken nose and blood pouring all over her body was when I started to see how serious this was and they were relentless to coming for me next. So I backed away from it all overall after in 2019 all my accounts were permanently banned, Vimeo banned and took down 233 videos at the time and made it where I can no longer upload a single one of my protest videos ever again.
I lost 8 Facebook accounts over the duration of my 11 years of research
And five or six fanpages as well.
Soon as I begin going viral it was apparent they had to tear my works or effort down
So I gracefully am retired back at the age of 33 and truly won’t look back. They finally were successful at killing a close person to me and taking her life. As all this stress is a confounder that contributed to her loss.
I can’t regret or feel guilt for this as at one point I did let her know what she was getting involved with in being by my side.
She said she would die for and stand for the cause by which I was creating the network community for.
People to this day are scared for their life to share or like my content. As I don’t blame them.
But I have transformed into some what of a untouchable to the square orderite white sun light worshipper
As they wish to pretend everything is going just fine and stay blinded by the light as you saw me in my astonishing Tennessee character which I am acting as known as doctor EARTH MAN ERIK plott
I was playing a healer on YouTube however it was the only way I could really cure people in real life. Whether people thought I was a scam or some sort of mad man or not, those who trusted in me and listened to what I was saying , went from being home to die by doctors, to finding me and being cured.
If they listened to me, I was the man who could reverse ANY ailment you had.
I was even able to medicate and regulate the most challenging of all sicknesses I have found this far and that was MTHFR, yes I could handle that bad boy illness with my formulations.
So I knew people were in good hands with me. If they wanted to trust me.
So be it.


Wow You Know it is the Absolute True Truth, What is stopping you? https://ww w.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Cw4-lravJ3s&fbclid=IwAR0NrqzAY8exlh2hdY8kS4yA8idsCPXXi9WBO_BC_VDFG6BOtyEtyTX_T40

WHY I COULDN’T AFFORD TO Have A REAL LIFE full Thought Profess here https://www.facebook.com/realPlott/posts/pfbid024eUDDy8X9CSku1JTTLJsBAU2LUGRiBrCpANaVTWLr578JMBTQM6isbWkmehHEtBkl

Dedication golden nugget gem above is seductive and powerful. …And man she really really loved me. More than I thought possible. Now she’s gone.

Real BlackSun Vikings do cry when necessary part two https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0daEBoF5ayBamMrp9AwX5mbLMNnWw5PDv1SCW3GDmGcysuVV2dgpnaiGhN8WGoULil&id=100063519052509&mibextid=auqpCl

RHONDA KAY LEGACY ALBUM PT 2 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=548370727293978&id=100063631657115

Part one Rhonda Kay Story album here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02k1qNuM8RVSQuFH8Q5tExtUFWBgVFofPyji8AbhoDUHmS6Q27e1RuYFdhkrppK8nal&id=100063631657115&mibextid=auqpCl

Back when Kay and I believed in the Bible faith scam…regardless she passed 2am or pm on Sunday oct23/2022 and I am still having a hard time sleeping at night. I have a hello kitty that I bought her next time I would see her , I would give it to her, well I sleep with that, it makes it a little easier to handle my loss. But I still can’t stop thinking about, where did you go. It feels so empty and it hurts right now. I can never forget about her.


One thing that will make the world a better place full write up https://www.facebook.com/100063631657115/posts/pfbid02RYhgMagt3QvzKfbPo2fzMkA4RKLjBZMNzZChe97pfRuGgd6cm5RYafmhw8mdK2D3l/?mibextid=auqpCl

I will never find someone like you who I talked to 24/7 all the time for seven years straight.


Erik Plott shedding tears part one here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0RAXvYu1tren618QY6N5DK97osPUfdfZ1KZBDbbTL68vAjmLXm9WfQ6ajCLtLUN1al&id=100063519052509&mibextid=auqpCl

Last pic of us kissing here

She was begging for my help here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0BV833HE8QqG1Mw6RWYYXpMvNc7CurTPYptkmYtK6LFh6d5cPy1Fgq4qPStByDKSel&id=100063519052509&mibextid=auqpCl

And part two here

Help me help me https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Bgb4mLaJTWFJAVP5ifcpDNMgW5RjRt8bWysonJSmc2AfrHd4oRP2YugfTnEQmnb6l&id=100063631657115&mibextid=auqpCl

Top pick post
Song played for her https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=473620059852029&id=323718897828145&mibextid=nJa2DX

What’s next and why is he upset here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=550951743698789&id=100063519052509&mibextid=nJa2DX

How it goes here

My life in nutshell

Rhonda kay on Erik Plott’s channel here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10228326520889242&id=1265923088&mibextid=nJa2DX

Video of me giving her valentine gift here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02gKg3Dv6NxXWBTSp6LxcjTSsVaKjonx7iQ7Z6GKLEhY76B44vSP7hLjLsAUd7NBWkl&id=323718897828145&mibextid=auqpCl

Story of Cabernet court https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid04rp4PKxKKUErZMy69mXm8z3bZPPsczy8W5FM19xabhAzHFKW6EcvGPq6VdHWn5Ncl&id=100063631657115&mibextid=auqpCl

PLotts AStro Stuff here https://www.facebook.com/realPlott/posts/pfbid0vh4GshNin9DdtvMNmooefmwZKM9BstwLXsrNtJ6zU74of7gNmKCsmjRg2FNFC7SNl

What Model or Shape of Frequency Vibe and Energy the EARTH Truly is here https://www.facebook.com/realPlott/posts/pfbid02gUr7NwVSwfakX9y4gXu3AEpFFhVGDJ84aM1j4hQft63rL5BFWKrKhwbWykoSo3s3l?__cft__[0]=AZWbxZ1NsFdh4hQaHnYPLcYEd-CFMWx9nAvCiFxCeD-SOPGLKB13gmlTQndBkbkKtqeqhSs8IgfMWsI25kmkQhnH22bPLp3sB-G5X6LZK8ybOqBlIOkdhHz3qh1ApY-MByaYOgJldOKBOvmbF_shh6zYe1qFkidwi5i4GsujLc-YyLFSpQUchTFEawz75ujXLuI&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

Plott Kissing Kay here https://www.facebook.com/realPlott/posts/pfbid026Fjc93g3y2D8kPL4gEfwYuzL6Hv3CvVa2vVPXrh6Wg3ZFfQW8FzSzpSxUioFtmGzl

Missing her https://www.facebook.com/realPlott/posts/pfbid02ngawmmEAq5prsLn3zeNXX7ZHmWwg2aqnssbiTk2EFmTjfBTUhYPC8ZFHmbropy18l

Plott Speaking to Channel Rhonda Speculation Superstitution here https://www.facebook.com/BLACKsunEMPEROR/posts/pfbid0prWJBRhNqGYef73X7XAj5apP7Qgufqm3D3xQrXfZ9LzLeiTSHobDtNKPXhAEpvLkl

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