Bending Pitch to Work on Intonation - FluteTips 167

2 years ago

We all have intonation problems, and they can occur at the worst times where you feel like you've been playing in tune and then suddenly, you're out of tune. This can occur in band, or orchestra, in a small ensemble, or just with an accompanist. We all must work on intonation, all the time.

Well, one of the ways to do it is to bend the pitch. That is, you bring the pitch up or you bring the pitch down. But we're not really saying to roll in and out. Because that can ruin your tone. We want to practice bending pitch by moving our airstream. And we use our embouchure to do that.

You can improve your intonation by learning to move your jaw, move your embouchure, and your upper lip to manipulate that airstream. This technique will you minimize your intonation issues while maintain your tone quality.

Have fun!

Read my Blog on this topic:
Bending Pitch to Work on Intonation

Here is a link to the flute & headjoint demonstrated in this video:

Lillian Burkart Professional Model Flute
Sterling silver body with sterling silver mechanism, Burkart micro-LinkTM pinless mechanism, drawn tone holes, silver rings, ribs, and posts, French (open hold), pointed key arms, white gold springs, .018” heavy wall tubing, A=442, B footjoint with gizmo, inline G, C# trill, D# roller. Handmade in USA.

Lillian Burkart Handcut Headjoint – sterling silver tube, 14K gold lip plate and riser, .016” standard wall tubing. S4 cut. Handmade in USA.

If you're interested in setting up a flute trial, please consider FCNY and tell them I sent you (Code: DrFlute) to get some extras for free.

To start your flute trial, you'll first want to go to and fill out the form. Here’s the link:

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This code gives you these extras with some exceptions:
*3 extra days to try your flute – that’s a 10-day trial instead of only 7 days
*6 extra months of warranty on your new flute – that’s 18 months instead of only 12 months
*Free Shipping of up to three flutes, piccolos, and/or headjoints at a time for trial!
*10% off sheet music
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Bending Pitch to Work on Intonation - FluteTips 167

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#DoctorFlute #FluteTips #BendingPitch

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