29 10 2022 - Melbourne Freedom Rally - Part 10 of 11

2 years ago

March up Bourke Street.
Trash puts itself into a garbage bag.
March up Bourke Street to treason house / parliament house.
Walk up treason house steps to the very top of treason house steps.
Freedom Rally march upon treason house steps.
Multiple Criminals On Patrol try to restrict multiple Freedom Rally people in different areas on treason house steps from their lawful right to stand on the steps.

I am joined by another Freedom Rally man while other Freedom Rally people are being intimidated to try and stop them from advancing further up on the steps.
Criminals On Patrol make their line to try and prevent people from coming up to where I was at the top of the steps.

One Criminal On Patrol comes up to the top of the steps to try and engage with yet another Freedom Rally man who was also at the top of the steps.
This now opens the floodgates to everyone else coming to the top of the steps, both Freedom Rally people and the Low Life Scum Criminals On Patrol.

Stupid dumb Criminal makes a line of Criminals On Patrol at the very top of the steps in the middle of the flat area to prevent some of the Freedom Rally people from passing their Criminal line to be where a number of the other Freedom Rally people were right behind the Criminals On Patrol line.
Yes there was a line of Criminals On Patrol with Freedom Rally people infront of them and behind them, and the dumb criminals made the line so that the Freedom Rally people who were infront of the line they just created do not pass their line to go to the area behind them where the other Freedom Rally people are already.
I do not get that logic, it does not make sense to me.
Two Evil Criminals On Patrol threaten to assault and intimidate me and kettle me into a corner with nowhere to go to create a very heated confrontation with the potential on them severely assaulting me and threatening me with their presence.
Criminal On Patrol threaten and intimidate and assault myself and another Freedom Rally man by getting so close to both of us and corner us both into a corner.
Other Criminals On Patrol try to threaten and intimidate other Freedom Rally people.

Criminals On Patrol start to finally stop trying to threaten and intimidate people.

Finally the evil demonic criminals are having to listen to the people when they speak while the evil demonic criminals just stand and listen to various truths the people are saying.

Will they listen to the truth and turn from their wicked ways and live ?

Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die,
Ezekiel 33:11

Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.
Ezekiel 3:19

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