29 10 2022 - Melbourne Freedom Rally - Part 1 of 11

1 year ago

Saturday - Sabbath morning 10 am at parliament house steps was a christian worship and pray at the steps of parliament house ( did not record that due to its a worship and pray service ).
However immediately afterwards I started recording as it finished, & only seconds later the Evil Criminals On Patrol Thug 26333 targeted me and made a Vee line to assault and intimidate me and also charges right into me and into my phone.
Evil Criminal On Patrol 26333 ( the very same one from 17 19 2022 where she claimed that the truck had to run over the freedom rally people in order to protect its members ) charges again directly into me and shoved its Evil ugly face into my camera phone and then had the nerve to claim I put the phone in that ugly face of its when it was the one who charged into me as I was continually backing off away from it.
It then assaults me and grabs my phone in an attempt to steal my phone and throw it onto the ground.
This wicked evil Criminal On Patrol 26333 charged directly at me a 2nd time only a minute later and repeated the same thing, it charged directly into me and grabbed my phone in an attempt to again steal my phone and throw it onto the ground.
This Criminal On Patrol should be on charges.
It then has its 2 henchmen to try and intimidate me as you can see at the 2:11 segment 26333 it moved its 47737 henchmen directly into me again.
I had not committed any offence or crime, I wasnt threatening anyone or myself, and was not suspected of committing any crime, therefore it had no reason to confront me or threaten me or assault me or steal my private properly or try and smash my phone onto the ground ( TWICE ).

Encounter with foreign corporations with pentagrams on their costumes.
Morning walk around.
Mosquitos in the sky.

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