Representatives of the UK Navy participated in exlosion of the "Nord Stream", Sevastopol attack

1 year ago

1a. According to the information available to the Russian Federation, representatives of the same unit of the British Navy took part in the planning and implementation of the undermining of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines.

The Russian Defense Ministry announced the repulse of a terrorist attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on ships of the Black Sea Fleet and civilian ships in Sevastopol.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov noted that the Kyiv regime deployed nine drones and seven autonomous sea drones. It is noted that the ships of the Black Sea Fleet destroyed all air targets.

"In the course of repulsing a terrorist attack on the outer roadstead of Sevastopol, four marine unmanned vehicles were destroyed using naval weapons and naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet. Three more devices were destroyed on the inner roadstead," Konashenkov said.

The representative of the Ministry of Defense noted that the minesweeper Ivan Golubets, as well as the bonnet fence in Yuzhnaya Bay, received minor damage.

Konashenkov stressed that the terrorist attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was led by specialists from the British Navy, who are located in Ochakovo.
1b. Заявление Минобороны РФ (29.10.2022)

Сегодня в 4.20 утра киевским режимом проведена террористическая атака на корабли Черноморского флота и гражданские суда, находившиеся на внешнем и внутреннем рейдах пункта базирования Севастополь.

◽ В атаке были задействованы девять беспилотных летательных аппаратов и семь автономных морских беспилотных аппаратов.

💥 В результате принятых оперативных мер силами кораблей Черноморского флота все воздушные цели были уничтожены.

💥 В ходе отражения террористической атаки на внешнем рейде Севастополя применением корабельного оружия и морской авиации Черноморского флота уничтожено четыре морских беспилотных аппаратов, еще три аппарата уничтожены на внутреннем рейде.

◽ Незначительное повреждение получили морской тральщик «Иван Голубец», а также боносетевое заграждение в бухте Южная.

◽ Следует подчеркнуть, что подвергшиеся террористической атаке корабли Черноморского флота, задействованы в обеспечении безопасности «зернового коридора» в рамках международной инициативы по вывозу сельскохозяйственной продукции из украинских портов.

◽ Подготовка данного террористического акта и обучение военнослужащих украинского 73-го специального центра морских операций осуществлялись под руководством находящихся в городе Очаков Николаевской области Украины британских специалистов.

◽ По имеющейся информации, представители данного подразделения ВМС Великобритании принимали участие в планировании, обеспечении и реализации террористического акта в Балтийском море 26 сентября с.г. по подрыву газопроводов «Северный поток-1» и «Северный поток-2»
2. The Armed Forces of Ukraine, which on Saturday launched the largest attack on Sevastopol since the beginning of the special military operation, tried to hit military facilities of the Black Sea Fleet, the governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhaev told reporters.

"The enemy tried to hit the military infrastructure of the Black Sea Fleet. All unmanned aerial vehicles were detected and destroyed in advance," the governor said.
3. A surface drone and a UAV were destroyed in the waters of the Sevastopol Bay, there were no casualties, Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev wrote in his Telegram channel on Saturday.

"In addition to the UAV, our military, according to preliminary information, also destroyed a surface drone," he wrote.

He added that the attacks started at 04:30 in the morning. "Various air defense systems in Sevastopol repelled drone attacks. All UAVs were shot down," the governor said.

Razvozhaev said earlier on Saturday that a drone attack in the waters of the Sevastopol Bay has been repelled, there is no damage in the city.

"The ships of the Black Sea Fleet this morning repelled a UAV attack in the waters of the Sevastopol Bay. No facilities were hit in the city. The situation is under control," the statement wrote on his VKontakte page.

He said earlier that on Saturday night, a UAV attack was carried out in the waters of the Sevastopol Bay.

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