How to Know If You Are Being Shadow Banned or Blocked?

2 years ago

In a world of social media, you don't have the reach you might expect. Major platforms use shadow banning, filtering, and algorithms to change behavior.

They only show those who follow platform standards. Even if those standards aren't your beliefs. Many conservative and librarian ideas are hidden.

Copywriters and marketers miss the purpose of social media. These large social media platforms are in the business of selling advertising. These platforms care nothing about what you have to say.

These media platforms want engagement, clicks, and advertising revenue. Many platforms adapt content to support "social norms" the company is measured on.

Yes, some platforms reinforce "right thinking." Yet others permit access via target advertising. If there are no advertisers for your content, it won't get promoted.

How do you know which content will meet advertising standards? How do you find target buyers on social media?

Today's episode covers two approaches to knowing if you are being banned or put in a content bubble. Plus, you'll see how to get past these holds to build your buyer's mailing lists.

That's what is essential. Popular social media platforms will come and go; how well you know your audience matters. The knowledge of your audience puts you on the right platform to generate leads.

For insights that help you create and keep profitable customers, join us at

Are you free to speak your mind on social media? What about on free speech networks?

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