6 Simple Tips to Reduce Weight without Exercising

2 years ago

Although exercising is one of the best methods to lose weight and is strongly recommend it, this article is not about exercising. https://www.digistore24.com/redir/441505/rdadi2002/ You can follow these simple tips to lose weight by supplementing exercising or not. Weight gain occurs because of a variety of factors like age, diet, stress, lack of physical activity, hereditary, pregnancy among others.
The best way to reduce weight long term is to increase your body’s metabolic rate. Metabolism is the amount of energy (calories) your body burns to maintain itself. Whether you are eating, drinking, working or even sleeping. Your body is constantly burning calories to keep you going. The best way to lose weight is to increase the number of calories your body uses.https://nplink.net/ekllo3uj
In most cases, weight gain is a simple formula. You eat more calories than you burn. Increase the number of calories you burn and you automatically lose weight. https://nplink.net/4i6zm1l3This is not totally true. The body also tends to store fat when you eat less and infrequently. Eating less or dieting never gives you long term results and is NEVER recommended. You may seriously damage your health by long term dieting.
Remember that the body is an amazing machine designed to keep you alive. It adapts to a situation. When you eat less, the body signals the fat stores to increase fat content. After all it needs to survive and when you eat less and infrequently, the fat stores come to help. Makes sense right? Dieting and eating less never reduces your fat content. The weight loss you see is only water and muscle.
So how much should you eat? Along with that question, you should also be asking what you should be eating. Its not just eating, there are a whole lot of factors that can contribute to your fat accumulation. Being healthy is not a short-term thing. It’s a lifestyle change and has to become a part of your daily life. Here are six simple tips you can follow to reduce your fat. Exercise is not in this list, but it is strongly recommend you to consider exercising to increase your gains, no pun intended. https://nplink.net/3gg5jb3l
Drink water. But not lots of it and definitely not during, immediately before and after eating. A recent interesting study found that drinking a lot of water just before eating actually made a person eat more food. This was explained by the fact that water actually makes more room for food in your stomach and intestines and you end up feeling hungrier. Eating during and immediately after eating hampers your digestion and reduces the amount of nutrients your body can received from your food. Give at least 20 minutes after eating before you drink any liquid. https://www.digistore24.com/redir/269221/rdadi2002/
It can be difficult for a lot of people to develop this habit. Most of us are accustomed to drink sodas and water while eating. Make it a gradual habit to reduce and over time, you’ll let it go completely.
Other times, drink enough water. It is not necessary to drink a lot of water. Although a number of books, doctors and websites ask you to drink 2-3 liters of water a day, there is no medical evidence of this requirement. Drink water when you feel thirsty. Ever otherwise, drink every half an hour. A small glass of water at a time will do. There is no need to gulp bottles of water.
Eat Right. You knew this was coming! This is one important factor that can make all the difference. As mentioned earlier, it’s not eating less, but eating right. The first step to reduce fat is to start eating at least 5 times a day. Yes you read it right, AT LEAST FIVE TIMES and eat at the same time every day. This sends a signal to your body that food will “arrive” regularly and it does not need to store fat as contingency
Your food must consist of health options such as, vegetables, fibre rich foods such as oats, eggs, chicken, fish, salads and yeah fruits. Contrary to the belief, there are a number of options to eat healthy. Think fresh and think natural. Stop eating any kind of packaged and processed food. Eat vegetables and fruits.https://www.digistore24.com/redir/443631/rdadi2002/
Sleep well. Getting adequate and good quality sleep is the most important thing for an overall healthy life, not just weight loss. Get at least 7 hours of good sleep. Sleep early and wake up early. I’m not sure how true it is, but I have heard that every hour of sleep before 12 counts as two hours.https://nplink.net/4i6zm1l3 So sleeping from 10 to 5 means you get 9 hours of sleep! The current lifestyle and work pressure does not allow a person to get regular sleep. But if you want a healthy and pain free life, you must organize it in such a way to get good sleep. Sleep is a huge topic and needs to be discussed in detail. Later.
Avoid stress. Stress is unavoidable. Believe it or not, there is positive stress too, stress that helps us.https://www.digistore24.com/redir/42495/rdadi2002/ But generally when we discuss stress, we are referring to the negative kind. Stress management needs an entire website dedicated to it. This website is still evolving and we will be discussing this topic in a number of articles in future. If you are suffering from severe or chronic stress, you must be seeing a doctor.
Try deep breathing. To provide temporary relief, you can try taking deep breaths whenever you feel stressed. Inhale slowly for 4-6 seconds, hold your breath for a second and exhale slowly. Do this while closing your eyes 2-4 times. This exercise helps even if you are not stressed and can be done anywhere.
Stop Smoking: We really don’t need to discuss this topic and why this will help. We are bombarded with enough negative effects of smoking every day. Needless to say, it helps. Start now. Meaning Quit Now!
Stay Active and Happy. No we are not talking about exercise yet. We are talking about your mental state. Try being in a positive and happy mood. Be active. When you move around, project energy, confidence. Hold your head high, chest forward and move swiftly.
Avoid negativity and being around people who perpetually complain. If you do it, stop! Be thankful for the good things nature has given you. It’s human nature to constantly look for problems and complain. Make it a habit to project yourself as a person with lots of positivity and energy. Run up the stairs, walk fast, smile, be considerate and helpful. All philosophical stuff, but trust me it makes a difference.
Stay calm, stay pure. Your body will love it.https://www.digistore24.com/redir/53329/rdadi2002/

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