Let's Play FEAR pt 47 Finale

1 year ago

Originally uploaded to Youtube on July 7, 2020

Dalton and I found the time to sit down and record more Let's Play FEAR. In this recording session, I beat the game. I hope you all enjoyed this Let's Play as much as I did. I thoroughly enjoyed playing through this game again for the first time in years. It is just as good as I remember it being. Our next Let's Play will be the Dual Shock Directors Cut of the original Resident Evil, so you can all look forward to that. In the mean time. I will be piecing together a review of Halo Reach and a review of this game after the final episode goes up. Thanks for watching. Enjoy.

This is the final episode of this Let's Play series. Now that it's up online, I am going to work on a video review of this game. After that, we will start the next Let's Play. The next Let's Play will be the Dual Shock version of the Directors Cut of the original Resident Evil. I will be playing and streaming the game, and Dalton will be watching via Twitch and commentating with me. We will be doing both campaigns. Thanks for watching this Let's Play. I certainly hope you enjoyed this game. I certainly enjoyed replaying it.

Personal Twitter: @fsmetal
Gaming twitter: @Dionysos19852

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