Canadian History Unfiltered- The 1867 Hoax to the Fabian Takeover of 1967

2 years ago

In this jam packed history lesson, you will be introduced to a sweeping new approach to Canadian history with a look to future potential during this 2 hour discussion on Tish Talk featuring guest Matt Ehret. The question of Pierre Trudeau's role as a leading Fabian Society operative is explored at length with a deep dive into Pierre from a fascist-loving Jesuit trained high school student in Quebec to a protege of Harvard's William Yandall Elliot and Harold Laski tool at the London School of Economics. We trace his role within Canada's Privy Council Office during the 1950s and his role leading a de-Christianization program of the once anti-Malthusian Quebec. The October Crisis and Pierre's role in that false flag, the creation of the Club of Rome in Canada and and CSIS are also evaluated. More importantly we explore the Rhodes Scholar take down of John Diefenbaker and the Bank of Canada during the 1960s. Not to look only upon modern history, we also plunge into the deeper reasons for the British North America Act fraud of 1867, and the fraud of a fraud known as the Charter of Rights of Freedoms of 1982. We also explore the anti-imperial faction of Canadian nationalist that emerged into power around the figure of Wilfrid Laurier who was also ousted in a Roundtable-directed coup in 1911.

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