NEW YORKERS Rebuke another drag qw33n story hour 28th Oct

2 years ago

It was only a bonus that some local wannabe politicians showed up to support and pretend that men dressed like sluts reading to toddlers is normal. We reminded them of how deranged and SICK they appear, standing out there pretending that a story book hour that needs 15 cops to protect the door is wholesome and family-friendly.

Of course, it goes without saying that they don't care to appear wholesome and loving. They want children to be fucked up into thinking that they can make adult decisions about their gender. Oh, and they are into pedophelia BTW.

Speaking of fucked up kids, it was icing on the cake to have some low Testosterone, low IQ Antifa panty wearing cunts show up to try and derail us. ANOTHER FAIL. It's funny when girls dress like a men and think they are instantly tough guys. A 115 pound girl with biker tattoos doesn't make them a hardened biker with balls. The world will be a better place when these cretins are dead and gone.

Some back story on She man Wendy Garcia who was in QNS today:

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