Gen. Vallely Warns US Military Under Attack by Biden | Liberty Hour Ep. 3

1 year ago

News on today's episode:
--With economy imploding, inflation soaring, food and energy shortages caused by government wreaking havoc, massive complications from mandated COVID injections killing and maiming huge numbers, Biden has an important new focus: Racist airline seats!

-- Biden administration under fire for a $20,000 grant by the State Department to Ecuador to fund drag queen shows to “promote diversity and inclusion.” Former Ecuadoran National Assembly member Héctor Yépez said, “it seems to be an attack against the values of the great majority of Ecuadorians that the United States is practicing a ‘diplomacy of gender ideology.’” “It saddens me,” Yépez told ACI Prensa, “that the taxes of American families are wasted in perverting values of other countries, when rather we need to strengthen public safety during the worst crime crisis in Ecuador’s history.”

---- 7th Graders Get “Ins and Outs of Gay Sex” at School: Parents are outraged after a school in North Carolina was caught recommending the disgusting “This Book is Gay” to 7th grade students. Among other outrages, the book teaches males how to engage in various sexual acts such as oral sex with other males. Other schools nationwide also have the book.The scandal went national after Christy Wade, a furious local mother, read excerpts from the book at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School Board meeting last week. The graphic perversion is almost too much to believe, with 12-year-old children taught minute details of how to engage in abominable sex acts.
Warning! If there are children in the room, send them out or mute the TV for the next minute or so.

----‘Capitol Punishment’ Director Gets Chilling Visit From FBI After Making Jan. 6 Film - Chris Burgard, who I've interviewed before, made documentary. Never went in Capitol. Despite never having entered the Capitol building himself, the FBI has now come to Burgard’s ranch in Texas to interrogate him. As one might imagine, after filming extensive interviews with victims of the FBI witch hunt, this left Burgard and his family shaken. “He said that they had a call in to the terrorist threat center that I was a terrorist because I had made the movie Capitol Punishment and they had orders from DC I needed to be investigated.”

---Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote being threatened with jail time if they don’t hand over their sources.

- Pentagon’s Strategy Won’t Rule Out Nuclear Use Against Non-Nuclear Threats
Defense strategy shuns limits on use once embraced by Biden
US to face both China and Russia as major nuclear powers
“By the 2030s the United States will, for the first time in its history face two major nuclear powers as strategic competitors and potential adversaries,” the Defense Department said in the long-awaited document issued Thursday. In response, the US will “maintain a very high bar for nuclear employment” without ruling out using the weapons in retaliation to a non-nuclear strategic threat to the homeland, US forces abroad or allies.

--Kerry, Biden, Governments and WEF planning to extort hundreds of billions or even trillions for “loss and damage.” Just did an article on this for TNA. WEF. Kerry.

Social media news:
--Twitter deal closed last night. Self-proclaimed Chief Twit Elon Musk arrives at Twitter HQ carrying a sink:
“A beautiful thing about Twitter is how it empowers citizen journalism – people are able to disseminate news without an establishment bias,” Musk tweeted.
Also vowed Twitter would not become “hellscape” where anything goes.
- Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, said Thursday that he "will be digging in more today" on claims of shadow banning and follower manipulation on the social media service.
The Tesla CEO — who just closed his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter on Thursday evening, taking the company private — made the remark in response to a tweet on the matter.

Washington ComPost reported that Musk told investors he plans to fire 3/4 of Twit employees. Twitter employees responded with a statement lashing out at their likely new boss' plans. They made demands including no firing foreigners on visas.. why is Tweet hiring foreigners? No Americans? Or do they want people from nations that don't respect free speech?

--Following a massive boycott and even efforts to prevent users from closing their accounts, the fascists running PayPal have reportedly re-instated the $2500 fine for "misinformation," according to updated terms cited by the gateway Pundit.

--Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, was fined $24.7 million on Wednesday for “repeatedly and intentionally” violating campaign finance disclosure law. Stock is cratering, too.

--Legislation introduced in Congress to restore the gold standard — adhering to the U.S. Constitution and bringing back sound-money policies. H.R. 9157, titled the Gold Standard Restoration Act, is sponsored by U.S. Representative Alex Mooney (R-W.Va.). In its list of legislative findings, the bill correctly notes that “The Federal Reserve note has lost more than 30 percent of its purchasing power since 2000, and 97 percent of its purchasing power since the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913,” and it notes that under official Fed policy, “the dollar loses half of its purchasing power every … 35 years.” Emphasizing the need for “a stable dollar, fixed exchange rates, and money supply controlled by the market not the government,” H.R. 9157 states that returning to the gold standard is necessary for monetary and fiscal sanity, along with limited government. It states, “The gold standard puts control of the money supply with the market instead of the Federal Reserve, discourages excessive deficit spending, and encourages the balancing of Federal budgets.” Bill requires the Secretary of the Treasury to “define the Federal Reserve note dollar in terms of a fixed weight of gold, based on that day’s closing market price of gold,” and to make them “redeemable for and exchangeable with gold.”
Bill also requires Federal Reserve to fully disclose all its gold holdings, along with all gold transactions since 1961. Ultimately, Congress must completely abolish the Federal Reserve. However, H.R. 9157 would be a great first step toward restoring adherence to the Constitution and sound monetary policy.

-- Cheney backs Dems! Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, co-leader of the House Jan. 6 committee and a staunch critic of former President Donald Trump, is endorsing Democratic Rep. Elissa Slotkin in tough reelection fight in Michigan.

--My latest in Epoch Times: Top US Banks Under Investigation Over ESG and Climate Action: A coalition of 19 state attorneys general from across the country launched a formal investigation into six major U.S. banks last week citing legal concerns about banks’ “ESG” investing and their involvement with a United Nations alliance fighting CO2 emissions.
The banks “appear to be colluding with the U.N. to destroy American companies” and undermine the nation’s best interests, one of the AGs warned in a statement e-mailed to The Epoch Times.
Another AG argued that these U.N.-inspired banking policies were resulting in jobs being sent to communist China as the regime there continues building coal-fired power plants to ensure low-cost, reliable energy.
The new investigation is the latest salvo by Republican-led states amid growing nationwide concerns about the “woke” policies of financial institutions and other powerful business interests.
Multiple attorneys general who spoke to The Epoch Times about the probe said it was their job to enforce consumer protection laws and protect citizens in their states from potentially illegal activity by companies.
In particular, officials are investigating the banks’ involvement in the controversial United Nations Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA). The global network of banks, convened and overseen by the U.N., pledges to eliminate emissions of so-called “greenhouse gases” by 2050 by transforming their lending and investment practices.
-- Another banking alliance, the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, also in turmoil. 500 members with 150 trillion in assets. Co-founded by nanny state tyrant mike Bloomberg. A financial alliance formed last year to direct trillions of dollars into the green energy transition has become embroiled by infighting. As a result, some banks now regret joining the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, as it's known, according to people familiar with the matter.
-- Senate Committee on Health Education, Labor and Pensions 'Based on the analysis of the publicly available information, it appears reasonable to conclude that the COVID-19 pandemic was, more likely than not, the result of a research-related incident,' says report from Senate Committee on Health Education, Labor and Pensions.

Guest 1: General Paul E. Vallely, retired, served distinguished career over 3 decades in US Army before he retired as Deputy Commanding General, US Army Pacific, in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1992. General Vallely graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point and earned his commission in the Army in 1961. General Vallely is a graduate of the Infantry School, Ranger and Airborne Schools, Jumpmaster School, the Command and General Staff School, the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, and the Army War College. His combat service in Vietnam included positions as infantry company commander, intelligence officer, operations officer, military advisor, and aide-de-camp. He has over fifteen (15) years’ experience in Special Operations, Psychological Operations, and Civil-Military Operations. After serving in two combat tours in Vietnam, he also served in several other overseas theaters in Europe and Pacific Rim countries. Vallely served on US security assistance missions and on civilian-military relations tours in Europe, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Israel, Indonesia ,and Central America. He has served as a consultant to the Commanding General of the Special Operations Command as well as the DOD Anti-Drug and Counter-Terrorism Task Forces. He also designed and developed the Host-Nation Support Program in the Pacific for the DOD and the State Department. MG Vallely has been on radio and televisionfor many years, most notably serving as the senior military analyst for the Fox News Channel from 2001-2008. He and LTG Thomas McInerney co-authored the book, “Endgame” –"Blueprint for Victory for Winning the War on Terror”. MG Vallely conducts an average of 4-6 national radio/TV show interviews per week and is well known for his published articles and talks on National Security and domestic issues. Vallely is the Founder of Nemo Arms Inc. of Boise, Idaho and is the Chairman of Stand Up America US Foundation. He also chairs the Legacy National Security Advisory Group and is a founding member of the Citizens' Commission on National Security. He led fact finding missions into the Syria with his team, once traveling deep inside the Syrian war zone to Aleppo. Additionally, during that period, he co-chaired two separate delegations to Cairo, Egypt to meet with President El-Sisi and his senior staff. His most recent books are “The Reality Prism”, “America’s Endgame for the 21stCentury”. And “The Mindless War”. Paul and his wife Marian reside in Montana. Both are deeply involved in numerous humanitarian efforts and are active participants in a multitude of community events and activities
-WOKE Military leadership and policies are to blame for the failing US Military. The citizens want to know that they have a military that is ready, trained, and capable of defending the Nation against all enemies, foreign or domestic.
Countering the Threats to America and its Citizens – CRT, vax mandates, recruiting crisis, woke policies, gender fluidity,
The state of our Armed Forces is a grave concern. With the threats mounting against America from within and without, we need to have national leadership that can assure the citizens that we are always prepared to protect our country and its people.

Guest 2: Lee Merritt: Dr. Lee Merritt began her medical career at the age of four, carrying her father’s “black bag” on housecalls, along the back roads of Iowa. In 1980 she graduated from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in New York, where she was elected to life membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. Dr. Merritt completed an Orthopaedic Surgery Residency in the United States Navy and served 9 years as a Navy physician and surgeon before returning to Rochester, where she was the only woman to be appointed as the Louis A. Goldstein Fellow of Spinal Surgery.
Dr. Merritt has been in the private practice of Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgery since 1995, has served on the Board of the Arizona Medical Association, and is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. She has had a long interest in wellness and fitness, and has been Fellowship Certified by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.
As a lifelong advocate of free market, patient-centered medicine Dr. Merritt had the opportunity to appear on the John Stossel show to speak against Obamacare. More recently she has appeared on numerous radio programs discussing Covid-19, the futility of mask mandates, and other lies and omissions from the medical “technocrats”.

Guest 3: Dran Reese is Founder and President of the Salt and Light Council which manages a suite of ministries helping to restore our nations biblical and moral foundations at the church level. One of their ministries, and timely for the upcoming midterm election, is Biblical Voter. Biblical Voter has become one of the top websites in the nation for Judeo-Christian voter guides and election tools. CEO of
With the midterm coming up, want to start with Biblical Voter -

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