How To Forgive Someone || Manifestation of Forgiveness

1 year ago

#howtoforgivesomeone #howtoforgive #manifestation #ShayoliHope

Get help applying what we talked about today:

How to forgive someone... it's a loaded question! In this video we discuss the big overhead view of how to help your injured parts shift into healing when someone does something that hurts.

Why does this hurt? Well... what meaning are you giving the situation?

THAT MATTERS! The story that you are telling yourself gets to be validated, loved, thanked, and released... and all in good time.

"Learning how to forgive someone" is one of the BEST lessons I've ever learned. I'm a total forgiveness process geek now. LOL!

And it's still a process. We get to build the muscles of trust with our own selves and embrace that we deserve our own patience with how this works.

Simple Forgiveness Process –

This merits dissection, and that’s why we’re doing 8 videos in this series, but here we go:

1. Ask “What meaning am I giving this?”
2. Ask “What has it cost me to feel this way?”
3. Ask “What would I rather believe?”
4. Ask “Am I ready to shift my perception on this?”

This is definitely glossing over the juicy stuff so make sure you hit play and watch all 8 videos in this series.

The more important part of the forgiveness technique that is included in the 21 Day Redefine and Forgive Experience, is the skill to toggle back and forth between your injured part, and your Highest Self.

Your actual self.

Yes, I said it.

You are not your body.

And your body got injured.

It had a chemical reaction to a meaning you gave to the experience you had.

Your Highest Self was watching your body experience that.

You saw the whole thing!

You know how hard that was for your body.

You can empathize with your injury like a BOSS!

I hope you enjoy this video!

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