坚守圣经并不等于坚守上帝的道Standing On the Bible is NOT Standing on God's Word-WarningThePeople

2 years ago

Source https://youtu.be/Ltb6_HmVAQM

English Below


2022年10月28日 YouTube Channel: WarningThePeople

过去我们在教会里经常唱一首儿歌,歌词是“圣经是为我预备的书,我独自坚守上帝的道——圣经”。坚守圣经,并不等同于坚守神的道。要知道法利赛人也是力挺他们的圣经的,根据他们的圣经挑耶稣的毛病, 他们发现耶稣没有遵守安息日,在他们的观念中,应该把耶稣处死。



你认识耶稣的声音吗?你是他的羊吗?你有没有遵循他吩咐你的?你是否忠于耶稣呢?还是你像那些假冒伪善的基督徒一样,只是忠于他们的圣经? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。
Standing On the Bible is NOT Standing on God’s Word
There’s a children’s song that we used to sing in church and it goes; “The B.I.B.L.E, that’s the book for me, I stand alone on the Word of God, the B.I.B.L.E.” Standing on the bible though is NOT the same as standing on the Word of God! Remember that the Pharisees stood behind their scripture, and using their scriptures they found fault with Jesus. They found that He had broken the sabbath and in their opinion He was worthy of death. The Christians today are no different. They stand behind their bible, they love to think that they are very biblical, they love to think that their church is doctrinally sound. And they hide behind the bible, acting as though that because they are biblical, they are good Christians and they are entitled to go to everlasting life with Jesus. Standing on GOD and on His promises and on His Word means you KNOW HIS VOICE and you OBEY HIM. Most Christians know the bible, they know the scripture, but they don’t know Jesus, they don’t know His voice, they’re not His sheep and they can’t possibly obey Him. Do you know Jesus’s voice? Are you His sheep? And are you carrying out the commands He gives you? Are you loyal to HIM? Or are you like the hypocritical Christians who are loyal to their bible? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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