Executive Recruiter and What I Do

1 year ago

Recruiters have a tough job. In some economic environments, Applicants are often plentiful for just about any job. But some roles need specific people with particular skills.
And that’s my job. To find the diamond in the rough seas of applications. Dig through people at other companies to find the perfect candidates, interview them and get them to work at your organization.
There are a number of ways many recruiters do their work:
Search LinkedIn for people with the right skills and background
Use software to make the online search a lot easier
And those who hit the pavement, make phone calls, hand out business cards, and network in-person. Networking best placement from referrals.
To be honest, the profession of finding quality employees sometimes requires all three of these.
I believe in making life easy and using technology. I joined Linked In in 2004 and begged clients to join;
Find potential recruits based on criteria (role, skills, education, location, and more)
Keep all of the details together and keep track of all activity with a given candidate.
Most recruiting searches begin with a role. The role you’re trying to fill likely has a similar name at different companies.
Recruiters sometimes have to fill roles by looking at all different angles. Really dig to find the best people for the job(s).
Location: It’s likely you’re looking for a specific location or region for a position. City, state, etc. isn’t always a factor but often is with recruiting.
Estimated Salary: If the role in question has a certain starting salary, it’s good to know a ballpark of what your candidates make.
College: Find recruits from specific colleges and universities. Wanting fresh cardiac surgeons from the top schools in the country? A quick search will give you a list of them.
Previous Experience: Sometimes, people switch roles. if their current job isn’t the position you’re looking to fill — maybe they worked in that role before and want to go back.
Keywords: Anything you couldn’t find in LeadFuze? Put things like industry terms and other keywords directly into your search.
Summarize, start with client, understand their needs, initiate the search, let client review marketing strategy, in my case, share the main video I'll use for outreach,
Find, screen, interview, submit, (with many initial negotiations already done) interview, job offer.
A recruiters life is interesting because we have so many moving parts and we are always dealing with personalities and balancing everyone's needs.

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