2 years ago

January 1- EW- will be opening its doors through MONDAY NIGHT LIVE where we will begin posting links to our new channel for teaching intercessors. We want to teach you how to get your hearts cleaned up so you can come into higher fire power. And we will be hosting 2 free meetings for you a month to where you can come alongside of us and learn and see how EW does things to better assist you in our prayer life.
We will be covering topics like deliverance, witchcraft, hot zones, and how to move in/out of the enemies camp during C2 so that you learn to move through the heart of God with ease. I WILL NOT be teaching this as you only gain access to my teachings by becoming a member which gives you access to many parts of our website/as well as QUICK/QUICK deeper healing to get you up in the spirit fast.

Innocent blood sacrifices being made daily up until after 31st/into Nov 6th. So the warfare was REALLY bad until about 4 days ago when God promoted us into the new. And the enemy was throwing everything at Gods people but it was like over night that all the warfare stopped and God moved us into a completely safe place spiritually where nothing can touch us. And the best news is that the devil can try all he wants to stop Gods plan but NOBODY can stop God. God is on a trajectory/TIMETABLE and those that want to participate have to stay in alignment if they want to go higher. And STAYING STUCK in the spirit of Religion IS NOT ALIGNMENT! Its you choosing to stay the same/stay stuck in your own ways.

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