Conquering Insulin Resistance + Dropping Weight Daily + Crushing Life 😃👍#Shorts

2 years ago

Insulin resistance is the destroyer of your blood stream, your bodys' physiology, and your fitness.
It makes it HARD to drop weight. Too many meals, too mush processed food, and too much sugar.

You have to eat different to change it, not take medication (at least in my case)

I have a very high testosterone level, even at 62, so my body WANTS to perform for me.

I'm full carnivore / paleo diet now, and the weight is dropping off "magically"

3 tips:

1) Change HOW you eat
2) Change WHAT you eat
3) Change WHEN you eat

The cool thing is you can eat steak meats, eggs and vegetables and NOT be hungry, at all.

Try it, and watch your life change

Conquering Insulin Resistance + Dropping Weight Daily + Crushing Life 😃👍#shorts


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