Amy Robbins Reveals Hypocrisy of Gun Control

2 years ago

Second Amendment advocates, Antonia Okafor Cover and Amy Robbins are coming to San Diego! Turning Point USA at SDSU president, Kiarra Mapp joins to talk about her upcoming event. Joe Eaton from Faster Saves Lives talks about how they’re combatting school violence. Tracie Thill, running for Santee School Board and Amy Robbins from Alexo Athletica also call in.

It’s election season! These PRO 2A Candidates need your help!

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What’s in this episode?
0:17 - Amy Robbins and Antonia Okafor to Speak at SDSU
9:01 - Faster Saves Lives helps over 300 school districts across the USA
21:27 - Tracie Thill for Santee School Board
33:06 - Gun Owners stop CA DOJ from doxxing gun owners
42:13 - Amy Robbins Reveals Hypocrisy of Gun Control
1:06:37 - What dino-themed rifle shoots a 750 grain bullet?

Join Turning Point USA at SDSU on November 7, 2022 to hear about gun rights and women’s rights. Friends of the show, Amy Robbins of Alexo Athletica and Gun Owners of America’s Antonia Okafor Cover is coming to San Diego! Register for the event below:


Does your school have a response plan for violence? It has a response plans for a host of other emergencies, why not gun violence? Learn about the Faster Saves Lives program with Joe Eaton.

“Which one of your staff members is going to stand between somebody with a rifle and your kids?”

The Faster Saves Lives program has trained over 3000 educators from over 300 districts across the United States.

Learn more at:


Get to know Tracie Thill who is running for Santee School Board.

Support Tracie’s campaign at:


San Diego County Gun Owners, Orange County Gun Owners, and Inland Empire Gun Owners, along with Firearms Policy Coalition won an injunction against the California DOJ! The DOJ must not share private information of gun owners any more. The crew also discusses pushback SDCGO is getting for endorsing a Democratic candidate for San Diego County Sheriff and the handgun ban in Canada.

Stay up to date on the Second Amendment fight in California!


“It’s such an odd, backwards thing. Every way that we can, we’re fighting for women’s rights, except we’re fighting to take away women’s rights when we talk about banning firearms.” Amy Robbins of Alexo Athletica talks about the cultural shifts pushing women to consider firearms for self defense.

Amy and Antonia Okafor from Gun Owners of America are speaking at SDSU on Nov 7, 2022! Register for the free event at:


ASK SAM THE GUN MAN: What dino-themed rifle shoots a 750 grain bullet?

Think you can stump Sam? Send in a question!


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The right to self-defense is a basic human right. Gun ownership is an integral part of that right. If you want to keep your Second Amendment rights, defend them by joining San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO), Orange County Gun Owners (OCGO), or Inland Empire Gun Owners (IEGO).

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