Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53

2 years ago

In 2009, Emergency coordinator and 9/11 witness Barry Jennings passed away with controversy while the WTC7 building narrative was still hot.

Barry Jennings - dead at 53 - detailed his eyewitness account while trapped inside WTC7 on 9/11 in a 2007 interview. Jennings told reporters on the day of 9/11, as well as to the "Loose Change" cameras in 2007, that he heard repeated explosions inside the building BEFORE either Tower 1 or Tower 2 collapsed and testified that he was "stepping over dead bodies" while exiting the ‘blown-out’ lobby to WTC.

Barry Jennings, was a key 9/11 eyewitness who was also an emergency coordinator for the New York Housing Authority, and passed away from circumstances not yet disclosed.

C-VINE will play the Barry Jennings explosive interview toward the end of today's interview after our special guest discusses important issues the NIST Report on Building 7 doesn't appear to address.

You the reader/listener are encouraged to seek out the following answers to Critical questions:

Why was the makeshift emergency room across the street suddenly evacuated?

Why was Jennings ordered to "leave right away"?

Why was Jennings trapped in the north side of WTC7, when the south side faced the twin towers?

Why was the lobby completely destroyed ?

What did he mean by "stepping over people in the Building 7 Lobby?"

Our interview today is with Eugene Johnson ~ Mechanical Engineer and a Project Due Diligence Volunteer for

A&E stands for Architects and Engineers.

AE911Truth is a non-profit organization who has over 3,500 credentialed Architects and Engineers who each have studied the 1000 page Forensic Report Released by NIST.

The NIST Report is an outline for the forensic analysis of the collapse/freefall of Building 7.

All 3,500 credentialed Architects and Engineers signed a petition refuting the NIST report as inaccurate.

Building 7 collapsed in the same manner as the twin towers on September 11th, 2001 at 5:20 p.m. without being hit by any aircraft.

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