rAntz - Self Wars 2 : The Shadow Strikes Back

1 year ago

On this walk and talk Ant discusses how in our life we lost fragments of our soul, how the Shaman's would retrieve it and how the challenges of 'facing your own shadows' will benefit your present and future.


Soul Retrieval - lost fragments of soul through your journey - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBRIYq1B-WQ

Meditation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85xQWk9Eg3c&t=184s

Lack of self love - confidence - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpMgqCGY1tg&lc=Ugye5vRXhIB1NL8-FcR4AaABAg.9fiZoGkg1qr9fibO8DQr13


Feel free to email Ant at hello@silvercloudhealing.com


Silver Cloud Healing - Professional Code of Ethics

Silver Cloud Healing holds our clients with love, respect, care and compassion. We ‘see’ them as their true nature which is an eternal spark of the divine beyond any troubles which may be besetting them at this time. We respect our clients’ views, opinions and choices as well as the opinions of others who may be supporting them, whether this be other healing professionals, medical practitioners or family.

As alternative health practitioners, we do not perceive ourselves to be in any special, elevated or superior position; we see ourselves as walking beside someone on their path.

Medical Conditions

Silver Cloud Healing does not diagnose disease, provide advice about medication or make any claims of providing a cure. Our role is to empower the client to allow them to make their own decisions and to gently lead them into a place where they recognise the cause of what is causing them concern.

In an Angelic Reiki, Crystal and Frequency healing, the word healing is used in its traditional meaning of passing energy. The advice of a medical practitioner is always recommended where needed.

Client Confidentiality

As a certified counsellor we also offer an empathic ear, our client’s information will not be discussed or shared with anyone (including other family members) without the client’s consent or a requirement by law.

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