Minefield: 2022

1 year ago

Minefield: 2022

Our world is becoming a field full of mines
By the sheeple who think that we owe them our minds
By the wokest believing they're leading the blind
The Black and The White and the other divides
The media outlets' State-sanctioned lies
The political class' unpunishable crimes

Where violent riots erupt in the streets
For the photo-op death cops and deep-state employees
Propaganda we trade in exchange for the news
The friendships we shed for our differing views

Step Left and you're scared of the Rich and the Racists
Step Right and you're facing a mob without faces
Step backwards they'll force you to stay down and then
Step up and you'll never be heard from again

It's that feeling you get when you've grown up alone
In a house full of relatives you've never known

At the end of a gun
At the tip of a knee
At the hands of ANTIFA
At the cost of The FREE
In the halls of the White House
In a virus we fear.
We don't know how to fix it
But this much is clear:

Our world is becoming a field full of mines
That we're planting ourselves in the cage of our minds

-Daniel Wagner

With the firehose of news and social media constantly soaking us down, it's no wonder we have convinced ourselves that the world is in a terrible state. The minefield landscape before us has us so terrified of one another that molehills have become entire mountain ranges within our own minds.

All of the images in this entire video were 100% computer generated with some photoshop alterations.

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