Simple rice method of cooking - recipe

2 years ago

It's very simple you just gotta follow the timing of it all or it might get burned in the begging ( If you're not constantly stirring and mixing) or at the end (if you don't close the heat off time) or it wouldn't cook properly if you remove it too early.

- So basically you use × 2 the amount of water to the rice. ( In this video I used long grain other types of rice use different quantities -There's usually instructions on the bag).
- You gotta oil up the pot
And mix the rice with whatever seasoning you want (I used just Salt, pepper and OSEM consume..)
- Cook that for a bit.
- Once it's boiling and before it gets burnt add the water.
Keep on stirring till the water starts boiling as well.
- Lower the temperature to about 2-3.
- Cover and let it cook for 14 minutes.
- Turn off oven/heat source but leave it on stove covered for another 8-9 minutes or so.

And that's about it!

In the first 00:10 seconds I accidentally made up a word and said "The 'amounties' of rice = the amount of rice.. I ment:
00:10 "we put double the water of the amount of rice".
And at 02:15 I wrongly used the word 'simmering' ("Stay just below the boiling point while being heated") I actually ment cooking in low heat.

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