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Pro-life activist among 11 facing federal indictment for peaceful rescue speaks out

2 years ago

LifeSiteNews senior correspondent Jim Hale sits down with Heather Idoni, one of the “Nashville 11” pro-life activists recently hit with federal indictments by the pro-abortion Biden administration. Idoni shares her side of the story and describes what brought her into the pro-life movement over 30 years ago. Her witness and dedication to the most innocent is a testament to the Christ-like love that is the foundation of the culture of life.

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  • The Lord is praised by Heather Idoni's fidelity! Her determination to do what's right, at any cost, is a great testament to the sanctity of life. Her bravery in standing up against the plague wanton destruction is a bulwark that saves lives! I shout praise with her and her fellow rescuers to the glory of God and give thanks for his merciful love. Love that shines brilliantly through the faithful works of his persecuted servants.

  • Thank you Heather for fighting for the unborn. You are doing what some of us are not physically able to do. You and all pro lifers are in my prayers.

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  • I have known Heather for about 20 years and she is one of my dearest friends - a forever friend. She has always been so faithful, so focused, so willing to be used by God in whatever work He leads her to. She is the real deal and honestly, a hero to me. I thank God for putting her in my life and allowing me to see and sometimes be a part of the amazing things He has done with her and through her. I could tell so many stories...almost unbelievable stories that I personally witnessed. I wait with faith for God to do His work again here. He will triumph in the end and it's always very exciting to see.

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