YOU TOO can research the official federal income tax laws online! I will show you how.

1 year ago

Legal research used to be extremely difficult. You needed to know where to find a legal library near your home. Then you would have to go there in person and spend countless hours poring through endless stacks of law books. Once you found a law that you were looking for, you would need to pay for a photocopying of the law and highlight the most relevant parts of the law that you were looking for. Once the laws were photocopied and highlighted, they had to be labeled and put in folders with tabs and filed away in filing cabinets for future use. If you wanted to share with a friend, you had to copy the law once again. These are just some of the many steps that are involved only to find one of the laws you were looking for.
In this presentation, Peymon will show you how easy it is to look up the laws on the Government’s Own Official website, so that you will always correctly follow the law 100% of the time. By doing so, your rights and property are secured.
Peymon, founder of Freedom Law School in 1996, grew up in totalitarian Iran. In 1977, at age 14, Peymon moved to the land of the free and the home of the brave. He found out Americans are not nearly so free and brave as he thought! Peymon has taught thousands of Americans what the laws actually say, not what the IRS or income tax preparers say the laws say!
Peymon and Freedom Law School have helped many Americans to live free of IRS deception, robbery, and slavery. You can also LIVE FREE NOW by taking the Seven Steps to income tax freedom on the home page of our website,

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