ASK THE DOC: on HPV and Head and Neck Cancer

2 years ago

The newspaper isn’t worth much anymore, it’s not just politics but it’s basically everything. We have become the society of tabloids and not news driven. Medical world is not exempt from the news. This program continues to bring the truth in medicine.

Question 1: Patient had cervical cancer at an early stage and was cured by hysterectomy and was followed for several years for positive HPV before the cancer. Her husband was just diagnosed with HPV head and neck cancer in lymph nodes. Should their teen aged children be evaluated? Is HPV in the home contagious enough for the kids to get tested? It's as simple as no. Dr. Whaley describes the HPV impact on cancer and why the kids would not need to be tested.

Question 2: Patient had gastro esophageal cancer, had operation, recurrence, treated and in remission for 3 years. He recently had a node biopsied by EBUS. The oncologist has recommended a breast cancer drug ENHERTU. Why would the oncologist prescribe this breast cancer drug?

Medical News: New study says 1 in 3 Americans 65 or older have mild cognitive impairment or dementia. Over 330,000 health care workers have left their job.

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