WARNING: One World Monetary System (SNWO)/ Cashless Society

1 year ago

A Cashless society is part of Mystery Babylon. Those who partake in it will not be allowed to buy, sell, travel work, study, access healthcare or worship unless they surrender to the spirit of fear and blaspheme God's Spirit (unpardonable sin). You will be lured into it and thinks it is ok because we all use paypal, just like you think we all take vaccines. The devil has various ways to separate people from God and we must overcome them all by the Spirit of God to be saved into the kingdom of God.

Put on the whole armor of God so we do not use our eyes and ears to see but the Spirit of God.

SNWO: Satanic New World Order

Liars, theives and murderers taking over the world. They will take your money(digital) by not allowing you to do anything if you have or share an opinion against evil so you become just like them. You will have to do everything you are told to do and believe to participate in the banking and financial system. Time is up. Walk by faith in Jesus to overcome the world. The just live by faith, the devil usurp God's place in the end times using the spirit of fear.

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