Rhema Oct 27, 2022 ❤️ Jesus explains... God's Correction & The Importance of Self-Knowledge

1 year ago

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Jesus explains… God’s Correction & The Importance of Self-knowledge

May 4, 2015 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Lord, what would you like to talk about tonight?

Jesus began… “About Punishment. My Punishment is not for sinners in this life. It is for those I love. And it is not punishment but education. Everything has an equal and opposing reaction and no deed is without affect in the world. It is far too much misunderstood that when bad things happen as a consequence of someone’s actions, it is punishment to make them feel badly. How far that is from the truth! It is not punishment, it is an adjustment in their understanding so they may take care to be responsible for every word, every deed.”

“Each has a circle that ripples out from around them. It bumps into other circles , blends with them and gives birth to yet another circle.”

“When God is at the center of theses circles and what you do is a result of obedience to what you believe – grace abounds, souls are healed and converted. But when you are in the center of this circle you draw away from the other circles. You are like a vortex that takes from others, creating emptiness, disorder and lack.

“Far too many live the life of one who is for themselves and who take from others by drawing to themselves. If only you could see how very powerful this dynamic is. I have not come to beat or punish my Bride – rather I am here to educate her to make the right choices with the power she has to affect the world.”

“When one of my children acts selfishly or out of jealousy, she draws the good in others to herself and it gets swallowed up and sinks to the bottom of the lake. It has no more effect, rather it becomes dead and stagnant in that soul.”

“However when one reaches out to do good – and gives, the circles continue to bump into one another, even around the world and much good is spread. The world becomes a better place.

“When I chasten and correct it is for the welfare of not only the one I chasten, but for the whole Body – that all may learn the ways of charity and to avoid evil… because evil hurts and deprives life from others.”

“I do not chasten out of spite, but out of love – in the hopes that the soul will see the effect she has had on others. She stops when she is chastened and asks herself, ‘Why, Lord, did you allow this to happen? And I am quick to reply, if she remains truly open. Her chastening produces in her the result that her sin produced in others, so she can taste and feel the harm she has done.”

“In this way I give her new grace to overcome this sin and she can rise above her own selfish motives and conquer the evil that is offered to her at every moment by the demons who are waiting in line to make her fall.”

“I do not rejoice when I see the injury she must endure – I mourn with her. And that is why My Brides must do the same, even if they were the victims of her iniquity.”

(Clare) Lord, how do we know whether we have done something wrong or we’re just getting opposition?

“I work in your conscience. You will feel a darkness, a sadness inside where the offense has been done, when you think of it. There will be a sticking point that says… ‘Wait a minute… there is something here for you to consider…’.It is a gentle conviction – not a harsh condemnation.”

“It is not accusatory in feeling, rather it is convicting… until the soul says to herself, ‘I think I might not have done the right thing here.’ And as that thought grows so does the conviction, until she realizes the source of her suffering… ‘It happened because…'”


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