Hummingbirds trustingly perch on people's hands to sip nectar.

1 year ago

Hummingbirds are one of the smallest birds in the world. They are gorgeous, colorful and just beautiful to look at. These animals are small and frail, with bones that are as thin as threads. These birds are among the smallest of the bird family. Their small, delicate bodies are vulnerable. These beautiful little birds trustingly perch on the hand of this giant human to sip nectar from a tiny cup in his outstretched hand. Such wonderful interaction with these birds is heartwarming. Hummingbirds are extremely beautiful and fascinating creatures that can be seen in many places around the world. They have the highest metabolic rate of any warm-blooded animal. The animals can enter a hibernation-like state during times of food scarcity or rest to conserve energy. During these times, their metabolism may be reduced to 1/3rd its normal rate. There are a variety of hummingbirds found throughout the Americas, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. All species of animals eat insects, although their primary source of food is nectar.

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