Forced Obesity Treatment: the Logical Next Step

1 year ago

Monash Health Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ben Mol, specialises in medical interventions: what are they, why are they deployed, are they overused?

He leads the Evidenced based Women's Health Care Research Group who investigate whether medical interventions around the world are conducted with evidence, are beneficial to patients, and whether they cause harm.

In the course of his research, Ben has uncovered startling evidence such as 30% of peer-reviewed and published randomly controlled trials being completely fabricated.

In this interview we explored the world's largest health intervention to date: government and public health responses to Covid-19. The professor has been vocal about the injustice and illogic of vaccine mandates, punitive measures against Queensland's unvaccinated teachers, the deportation of Novak Djokovic from Australia, malfeasance in academic research, and lockdowns as 'one of the greatest peacetime policy failures in modern history'.

Watch the full interview at:

An outline of our discussion:

What are medical interventions?
Brave New World - are we addicted to medical interventions?
The incentives driving medical interventions
Is Panadol a placebo?
The natural rate of caesarean deliveries vs the actual rate
Incentives to conduct caesarean sections
Charging Australians for IVF and elective caesareans
Discrimination in reproductive healthcare
Fewer costs with no lockdowns - Sweden vs Denmark
Threshold for all new drugs: $50k per life year saved
Covid-19 vaccine cost benefit analysis
Medical interventions should be measured is saved/lost life years, not purely deaths
Traffic accident deaths are more tragic than elderly deaths
Young people paid a higher price than old people during lockdowns
We 'went to war' over Covid-19
Was an elimination strategy wise in Australia?
'Flattening the curve'
Should the government also go to war with cancer? Obesity? Smoking? Sugar?
The lack of reason in vaccine mandates
Extending the logic to banning Coca Cola
The lunacy of social distancing at McDonalds
C-19 vaccine uptake rates without mandates
Mandating healthy lifestyles
The medical principle of 'informed consent'
Should we 'save the health system' or should it save us?
Victorian ambulance and 000 systems overwhelmed
Health system capacity crises before Covid-19
Hospitals conduct too many health interventions
Medical culture in the Netherlands: intervene less often!
Interventionists see their own reality
False research papers: fabricated data in peer reviewed journals
Monash University detects 30% of randomly controlled trials are fake
Ivermectin trials built on fake data
The Socratic dialogue of medical debate but is it too complex for the public?
Detecting false research papers
People's greatest needs: physical safety

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