2 years ago

Case closed...
"Bare in mind this is only from 6 months out of 10 years of running this Page. So why so few views on YouTube, bitchute, vimeo? Again, these public platforms are freemasonic and hand pick only materials or distractions that sooth their own propaganda. The aim is to shut internet because shutting down videos can be done only trough freemasonry which is an astronomical way to avoid karma. The plot is to mainly deny that there are UFOs in PROXY readiness to kill all NATO/EU - Russian citizens and our old friends, friends for a season and loved ones, who are too angry (implcitily or in socially acceptable ways) and some are more honest by walking to schools and shoot people. These are different attacks methods only in quantity but both in quality are the same: beastiality or a failed spiritual voyage. The Main weapon people use is to cheerlead others to fail behind their social media platforms, which is now turning against them tragically. This heavy grip of jealously or the need to project ones inner hate on others, espeically on Natives, is now causing them to be marked for death by the biblical chariots who love creativity, not apathy... Yes, 99% of you I have met are going to the spiritual realm to be ready for a restart. Talents are used as a means to activate a higher calling or spirit. The need to reach hollywood is not the idea of talents and many gave up after realizing their talents were not meant to comply or compromise with any khazar fake jew owned films and record labels, which is hollywood/freemason owned, no matter what country. This discovery about the purpose of talents turned many minds bitter and became in full alliance to try and kill other creative minds trough indirect attacks, but an intent which radiates hate and the need to kill not matter how geniously people may try to filter their murderous intent by remaining behind their media profiles. The need to kill start first by giving up ones talents, replacing it usually with a mate and havind children in a world where there is no need for it at the moment. There are other variations of self betrayal that socially people find acceptable, but he content of failing and then try and drag others to hell remains the same. Many old friends and family have self betrayed themselves with these moves, for creation is too alien as a concept for minds fixed to be a man made law abiding citizen, but a law which literally has marked almost entire humanity for sleep. Take heed, and release your need to attack men like me. Or come out and do it directly, this is the purpose of WW3; to cut to the chase. Peoples vibrations are downloaded to schuman resonance and the UFOs do their celestial harvesting or killing based upon your low or high vibration. It is fair to say that if you are still heavy in to twitter, fb, you are more than likely not going to make it. Finland is highly known for apathy; flaming jelously follows. This only leads to be killed eventually..."

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