Where Copy Matters

1 year ago

Can you give us some examples of some really great places where a business owner can use great copywriting? You mean, the different ways copywriting is important, where they should have it?

Absolutely. I would start with any place that you bring, the place you bring your audience to. So if you bring your audience to a website,
that website needs to have your branding, and your messaging, locked in with good-quality copy. Then that copy needs to tell a story that takes them and converts them to wherever you want them to go. Whether it's into a lead magnet or an email list or to buy something. There are levels throughout the copy, throughout the story where you grab certain people. Their attention has been grabbed and you can move them along to the next part.

Then you need to keep telling the story because some people aren't there yet. Your hub, right, your sales pages, your website, any other landing pages, all of those places need to have copy locked in. You also need to have that copy locked in on your ads. Any Facebook ads, Google ads,
any sort of ads you're doing. A place where I think a lot of people discount the importance of copy is there are social media posts. Because we've gone to, we dance and we talk and we do all of these things, but think about it. Even in the last two years, as we've gone dancing, pointing,
what are we pointing at? We're pointing at words. When we speak. What do they put at the bottom? They put captions because the words matter.
The copy matters. Even a caption becomes copy. I think one, and Dotty I'm so excited about your training that's coming up about repurposing things.
One of the things that are so great about repurposing content is that it's the same solid consistent message. You've locked in copy and you're using it in different places. But I would challenge you that any place where you're writing things if you're writing emails, those emails need to have a purpose. Don't land in my inbox with an email that isn't well written because then ignore it. The more people ignore your emails, the fewer opens you get, and the more often you end up in that little spam thing because email algorithms are weird and they know things that are scary.

So everywhere you go, your subject lines the copy of your subject lines so important. You got to get them to open it, and then you got to get them to read it, and then you got to get them to stay there long enough for it to matter. So the copy is important everywhere.

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