Easier Wash Day w/ Matted Kinky Curly Hair

2 years ago

This easy wash day tutorial will help you on those days when your natural hair is extremely matted either from when you've taken down a protective style or from going too long between your usual wash day.

We've all experienced those wash days that we dread the detangling session, because of how matted our hair was.⠀

I recently had one of those days and wasn't looking forward to another one.⠀

Here's how you can have an easier wash day with matted hair:⠀
1. Spray small to medium section with warm water.⠀
2. Rake & smooth the hair.⠀
3. Gently brush from the ends to the roots.⠀

This would be great for you moms who have kids who dread wash days. Go through this process while they're watching tv or playing a game.⠀

👑Tip: For the best results, use a detangling brush specially for us curly girls. They're great for smoothing out the hair, removing those awful tangles.⠀
👑Tip: To get through this even faster, do it in the shower on soaking wet hair, in larger sections.⠀

Brush by @tressfullyyours

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Editing: Filmora
Music: "Harmony" Ikson https://soundcloud.com/ikson

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