what i used to think was "wrong" w/ me+cow pow wow

2 years ago

why jesus and paul wept all the time
as challenging as this is sometimes...
not one part of me that regrets or bemoans the unconventional way that i am
you let yourself down not God
i am a cuntsore for the right reason
according to 12 step recovery cults...
comments won't change diddley squat (esp my driving, sweetheart)
unless you're changing minds or helping someone find God...
thank you good samaritan
i thought that other person was mad about my driving cos it usually is bad
we love the random helpers of the world
stop complaining about depression
God is trying to tell you sumin, folks
i haven't seen todd in months
wowing crowds @ shitty divebars in nashville
what every "recovering alcoholic" should do to get over it and get on with it
funny that i say this (i ended up going to a speak easy later tonight)
stop listening to those that coddle you
back in the day i had a shrinkity dink
he shoulda suspected i was schizo
i never told him about the party, however
"don't tell him about the party" (voice of God)
if you watch this channel you are well aware of this party
people that vote/watch sports/dig celebs
empathy makes you feminine not shaving
lithium works very well but you can drink fiji water instead
lithium cannot be patented apparently cos it is a naturally occurring mineral
majority of americans are dead inside so fuck it, you might as well just kill yourself
the meds are a form of population control and social control
why do people need a study to confirm sumin
i feel nothing, maybe this is a problem
that's the kinda shit that triggers me
if you didn't know i totalled my last car, so we have extended empathy for anyone in a car wreck *vagina town

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