I wasn't warned when housed with a predator by the Continuum of Care scam in CT

1 year ago

Now that I've recovered from forced psychiatry, a plethora of psychiatrists who had retaliated desisted.
I was experimented on by Dr. Richard Miller at the Wheeler Clinic in Plainville, Connecticut from 5th grade until graduation in 2005. Autism (more specifically, Asperger's syndrome) made me an easy target.
I was forcibly drugged to pull out my hair and fall asleep, then sent to detention for suffering from forced psychiatry; hence exacerbated Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
I wasn't allowed to taper off of pharmaceuticals when I graduated, I suffered withdrawal symptoms and was tortured. I was sent from Bradley Memorial Hospital in Southington, Connecticut to New Britain General Hospital in New Britain, Connecticut. Dr. Michael Edward Balkunas misdiagnosed Autism and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as "bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, and schizophrenia" or something like that without meeting me or corresponding with me. He vowed revenge because medicinal cannabis reduces the harm caused by forced psychiatry.
Community Mental Health Affiliates exacerbated Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by forcibly drugging me and forcing me into hospitals. I was denied assistance attending college.
I was also abused at Bristol Hospital Counseling Center.
Susanne Wargo forced me to take Xanax and I had a seizure from misplacing it. The staff at Bristol Hospital claimed the cause of the seizure was "undetermined" and I was abused in the psychiatric ward. Dr. Nachiappan Manoharan (sp) threatened forced injections of Zyprexa to cause diabetes, pancreatitis, and heart attacks, thus death; that's attempted murder.
Barbara Braunstein falsely accused me of using illicit narcotics whilst knowing I was forcibly prescribed drugs to cause drowsiness and threatened to drug test me. This person "worked" at the same location where I was forcibly drugged. The threat to drug test me was probably a bluff.
Margaret Pienezak of Community Mental Health Affiliates caused an anxiety attack by threatening to commit me after I was nearly murdered, falsely accused of being a "sex offender" because I'm an easy target. Dr. John A. Nazarian sent Margaret Pienezak and Michael Higgassin (sp?) to lie under oath knowing they'd get away with perjury. Attorney Katrina Camera was appointed as Conservator without grounds.
Alice Martinez of the Department of Public Health lied about why I reported CMHA. It had nothing to do with not prescribing cannabis, I reported violations such as misdiagnoses and forced drugging. The DPH retaliated by encouraging torture.
CMHA retaliated by sending me to Connecticut Valley Hospital in 2015. No risk factors were identified. I was discharged when housing was available about 4 months later.
I was sent to the Continuum of Care. I was then subjected to Leann Farley's cruelty. I nearly went blind from excessive lights and I got underweight because staff members bullied me for eating. Leann retaliated by not allowing use of the stove at night since I had to hide to eat.
I fear for my life because it's in the hands of criminally negligent Attorney Katrina Camera, appointed in 2014. Dr. John Nazarian of Community Mental Health Affiliates, a hate group, vowed revenge and meant it. He lied about why I reported him. It had nothing to do with what he doesn't prescribe. A Probate Judge broke the law and he's retired. Margaret Pienezak of CMHA caused anxiety by threatening to commit me for being assaulted over a false rumour. I was nearly murdered for being falsely accused of being a "sex offender" since I'm an easy target. I had to get out of CMHA to recover from forced drugging. CMHA's staff members lied about why I reported them.
Due to photophobia (i.e. light sensitivity,) from autism, my eyes hurt from being constantly subjected to bright lights while trapped in an improper setting. Continuum of Care an agency claiming to ""rebuild lives", employs negligent staff without any certifications. They're in it for an easy paycheck. I pleaded with them to stop allowing a bully to destroy my belongings. They hid in the office. They tried and failed to commit me for being harassed by a bully they forced me to reside with. I'm still a hostage since I don't choose where to reside. I finally moved out of that place, still trapped in the Continuum of Care. A staff member destroyed a resident's computer (not recently). Leann Farley probably destroyed my cell phone knowing I'd figure it was Mike Inigo, Jr. as usual. Sarah Carlson-Allwood misdiagnosed autism and PTSD as "schizoaffective, bipolar disorder". Trauma happened. Medicinal cannabis saves lives. I have the license now. Sarah Carlson-Allwood vowed revenge, hence the "recommendation" being locked up and tortured at Connecticut Valley Hospital.The safest and most effective medical necessity still prevents paranoia because it's still relaxing.Medicinal cannabis is the only way to concentrate, relax, and be motivated after being forcibly drugged since childhood.

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