Not Sorry Show: 10272022

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The Not Sorry Show, LIVE - 9pm Eastern

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and streaming on (always the top link on the page when live)

Tonight's BIG 5

--- Kamala tries to convince us that diesel school busses make kids dumber. Maybe in her case, because she sucked on the tail pipe.
--- The WEF pumps out a lot of people with bright ideas. Every tyrant and failure in management seems to be connected to one of them. Trudeau, 'nuff said.
--- Biden's border enforcement pales in view of the Texas Rangers' efforts, but only if you believe Biden wants less human trafficking.
--- Locals can legally interfere will removal of local statues from public property. Liberals howl because they can't file a grievance in Georgia from NYC.
--- You would think no one has a problem with armed citizens stopping yet another mass killing or criminal beating his estranged pregnant girlfriend almost to death. Welcome to Libertopia: Bidenville.

*** Phil Bromley hosts.

*** 5pyhun73r produces and has a Digital Battlefront!

Comments from: Demon-26, Shades and Barbarian

Fresh Spaghetti on the Wall

Recorded in front of a live studio Ostrich
Free CHEEZITS and Iced Tea provided, BYOB!

also: George and Modesty do the Notsorry Show Mornings currently twice a week
Mondays and Fridays, 8pm ET. Tune in for 40m or so of fun times!

Gab: @Ravicrux @Phillip_Bromley @GeorgeAngus @5PY_HUN73R @DemsFearTruth @tiwake @BattleDwarfGimli

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