Properly Processing a Voice That is Extremely Dynamic

1 year ago

In general, here are the steps I took to process Jennifer Longworth’s voice in episode 115 of my Podcast Engineering Show.

Her raw recording was extremely dynamic, meaning that at times it got REALLY LOUD and other times it was really quiet. And you already know how annoying, difficult, painful or impossible it can be to listen to a podcast where it gets really loud, then really soft.

So, in general, here’s how I processed her track:
A compressor with fast attack and fast release (to reel in her loud laughs, etc.)
A bit of EQ
Another compressor with a longer release (to help level out the loud and quiet parts)
A multi-band compressor (to help control various frequency bands)
The Vocal Rider (!)

In the end, I think this did a good job of evening out her level and making it more present and listenable, especially in louder environments like cars, gyms, etc.

What do you think?

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