Qatar Backs Off From Supplying Gas to Europe, Russian Gas Only Solution

1 year ago

‘Buy Russian Gas,’ Qatar Backs Off From Supplying Gas to Europe, Russian Gas Only Solution “購買俄羅斯天然氣”,卡塔爾退出向歐洲供應天然氣,俄羅斯唯一的天然氣解決方案

Europe has been warned. It has been told in no uncertain terms that there is no alternative to Russian natural gas supplies, unless Europe wants to get devastated for several winters to come. Qatar has now declared Europe cannot survive without Russian gas. Watch to know more. 歐洲已被警告。有人毫不含糊地告知,除了俄羅斯的天然氣供應,別無選擇,除非歐洲想要在未來的幾個冬天遭受破壞。卡塔爾現在宣布,如果沒有俄羅斯的天然氣,歐洲就無法生存。觀看以了解更多信息.

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