You’re The Cure, June 7, 2021

1 year ago

On today’s show, Dr. Ben visits with Barbara Loe Fisher of
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Dr. Ben begins by welcoming Barbara to the show and sharing his reasons for inviting her back to the show.
2:27 - Barbara starts by sharing a little of the history behind her organization and giving a glimpse of how their first online conference in October 2020 went.
7:20 - Through this information, she and Dr. Ben discussed the ever-present threat of censorship that many people are experiencing. As part of this censorship, many people and organizations have been de-platformed.
12:40 - Dr. Ben and Barbara both share some of their favorite parts of the conference. You can find this conference on-demand at
17:30 - Dr. Ben asks Barbara to expand upon her thoughts on the censorship that is currently happening and how that has actually caught the attention of some people who otherwise may not be seeking or paying attention to the information.
19:45 - Barbara goes in to detail on why she thinks that informed consent should be highly protected.
24:02 - Barbara shares how World Economic Forum has a page with readily available information on The Great Reset, which is set on stripping people of individual rights.
25:40 - Dr. Ben paints a picture of how vastly different the mainstream media reports on things like his senate testimony versus what actually happens and how many people in the general public respond.
28:01 - Barbara encourages listeners to sign up for her newsletter and the advocacy portal on her site at This helps bring these points in front of our legislators for freedom protection.
31:35 - After the break, Dr. Ben asks Barbara to share some information about the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System ( Barbara shares how her organization has made strides in making sure that parents get critical information before, during, and after receiving vaccines. She also gives several historical statistics about VAERS and then compares those statistics to things that are happening with the current covid-19 vaccine.
38:58 - Barbara also shares a search engine available from her site ( that makes the information on VAERS more easily accessible to the general public.
43:28 - Barbara gives her opinion in response to Dr. Ben’s question about possible data withholding from VAERS.
44:40 - Together, they discuss why it is so important to closely follow and monitor the data on the covid 19 vaccine since we are currently in the vaccine trial. This vaccine has not been approved by the FDA, so people who are receiving the vaccine are actually volunteering to be part of the vaccine trial study.
49:20 - Dr. Ben explains how Simone Gold, one of the Frontline Doctors, is taking up legal action to protect children from the covid-19 vaccine. Barbara piggybacks off of this information with her advice on how to protect our nation’s children.
50:52 - Barbara ends by sharing the role politics plays in the situation we are in.

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