Emerging New World (dis)Order - RiskRecon eBook launch announcement

2 years ago

Emerging New World (dis)Order: Local & Global risks of Systemic Disintegration, State Failure, State Collapse, and States of Violence

By Dr Kingsley Makhubela & Dr Petrus de Kock - RiskRecon Founders

Buy the eBook @ - https://riskrecon.co.za/?product=emerging-new-world-disorder
In this eBook, RiskRecon expands on its report - The South African case: local government failure as first stage of state collapse. Emerging New World (dis)Order incorporates updated and expanded analysis of not only the systemic stability outlook for South Africa, but incorporates key geopolitical, geo-strategic, and global economic dynamics unfolding in the wake of the Russian Federation launching its special military operation in the Ukraine. A moment that will go down in history as the day post-Cold War era globalisation, and its attendant supporting world order, died.

RiskRecon contends that the post Cold War world order is witnessing a moment of bifurcation, and the death of globalisation. These changes are creating more than Cold War 2.0, but is delivering an ever more integrated Eurasia turning its back on a unipolar western dominated system. Global instability is also increasing localised national risks, in all regions of the planet, for the occurrence of state failure, state collapse, and state disintegration.

Emerging New World (dis)Order engages with a world characterised by rampant inflation, conflict & social insecurity, food & energy shortages, and intensified geopolitical and major power rivalry. The authors cover not only dramatic global systemic shifts, but, engages with the phenomenon of state failure, at local government level in South Africa, while also considering the implications of the July 2021 insurrectionist inspired rampant looting, and criminality, that struck the country like an act of asymmetric terror (instigated by forces from inside the ruling party and State Security system).

Buy the eBook @ - https://riskrecon.co.za/?product=emerging-new-world-disorder

Published by RiskRecon 2022
ISBN : 978-0-6397-0730-3

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