March 26, 2005 🎺 The Lord says... Do not judge Others!... For as you judge, you shall be judged

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The Lord says... DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS!
For as you judge, you shall be judged

March 26, 2005 - From YahuShua HaMashiach, He Who Is Called Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For His Wife’s Brothers and Their Wives, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord… O you hypocrites, listen to the voice of The Lord your Redeemer, and repent. For your iniquity is shown upon your vesture, as a garment which has been rent in two… Shall you judge your sister, or your brother, or your mother, or your father, by that which you are also guilty? There is one Judge to whom God has committed all judgment, and One only – The Messiah, whom you call Christ!

Therefore I ask you, have you laid with another before marriage? Have you not committed that which is called fornication? Indeed, you have committed adultery against your spouse, though you were not yet married… Are you not forgiven?

Have you lusted after another with your eyes while entertaining impure thoughts in your mind, while you were married? You have committed adultery in your heart… Are you not forgiven? For even one who has contemplated murder, though they did not carry it out, is guilty of murder in their heart… Are they not forgiven?

I tell you the truth, whoever is angry with their brother or sister will be subject to judgment. For those who hold onto anger retain malice, and are filled with hate; they shall in no wise escape the Day of The Lord! For it is written, and remains standing, if someone says... 'I love God', yet hates his brother, he is a liar, and shall be found as such on the Day of Reckoning… Therefore, he who seeks to cast a stone at another, let him first cast it at himself!

Thus says The Lord… Sin is sin, all sin is sin. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God… Shall then sin judge sin?! No! Only The One who is without sin shall be your judge; and behold, He is also The Son of Man! Therefore, you do greatly err. For she who is married to your brother is your sister. Cast her not out in bitterness, lest you also be cast out by The Father who is in Heaven… For God gave unto man marriage, and sanctified it. Therefore, let no one separate what God has joined together.

Tell Me, what wrong has your sister committed against you? Has she not first sinned against The Lord her God? Thus to Me shall she give answer, and at My feet shall she kneel in repentance. Then to her husband she shall go, of which she has already done. Has he not forgiven her and kept her as his wife? He has not written her a bill of divorcement. Shall you then write it for him?… Where are your hearts?! For out of love your brother has forgiven his wife, and out of love your sister has asked for forgiveness!

Your sister has indeed stumbled, and together with her husband have they fallen. For all stumble, all go astray, and as two of one flesh they fall, for of such is the union of marriage. Yet in true repentance are they lifted up, and upon true forgiveness will new-found trust be established; through love, with steadfast faith in God, will they find strength enough to heal the breach…


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