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A Conversation with Marly Hornik, NY Citizens Audit

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s4e184 Today the guys bring in Marly for another chat over her discoveries in NY, GA BLM aftermath, TrueTheVote in court today, CleanElectionsUSA in court, DJT can't be beat, and a scary movie reading of Democracy Docket...
A Conversation with Marly Hornik, NY Citizens Audit
On the Web https://auditny.com/
On Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-1392521
Today, honored guest, boots on the ground in New York, Marly Hornik with NY Citizens Audit brings strategy for New York, are we going to fight for it?
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New York Citizens Audit is a team of concerned citizen volunteers working to restore integrity to the Empire State. By gathering and analyzing publicly available voter data, we have uncovered shocking revelations about our rigged election system. Based on our findings we are calling for the decertification of the entire New York State 2020 General Election.
We seek to include and involve all New York State citizens in asserting every legal remedy within the New York State and United States constitutions to rectify the egregious violations of law in the New York State 2020 general election, including but not limited to proceedings in the Judicial, Executive and Legislative branches, as well as criminal investigations through our Sheriffs.
We must uphold our rights under the law to free and fair elections, including but not limited to One Lawful Citizen-one registration-one vote. This is the way to secure our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the path to restoring our truthful identity as a Godly nation.


  • 0/2000
  • We love the MGShow we are the news now. Love Jeff and Shannon you guys are amazing, We look forward to each show. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 BQQM BQQM BQQM 💥💥💥 💥💥💥 💥💥💥

  • Where the H are the sheriffs? The laws are being broken everywhere. Voter mismanagement evidence everywhere, again where the H are the sheriffs?

  • WE are the news now. WE THE PEOPLE! God Bless and protect all the warriors who are in this fight to take BACK our beautiful United States of America!!!! ❤️🤍💙

  • If the voter rolls have sets of 10 real voters with numeric id's, then an alphanumeric id for every 11th voter, all of which are the same registration date, then an algorithm is creating those voters AUTOMATICALLY. It is likely choosing from a database of first names, last names, and addresses, assigning the id and registration date without any human input at all. I would love to analyze that data.

  • Behavior of election officials tells all. Again, the current election system is complete broken and the evidence is irrefutable.

  • Ahead of Halloween, Police Warn Parents of Rainbow-Colored Fentanyl ‘Candies’ https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/ahead-of-halloween-la-police-warn-parents-of-rainbow-colored-fentanyl-candies_4820241.html

  • ^^from the Epoch Times Be careful everyone

  • Any body that questions “watcher’s “ is probably on the take to “do” something “wrong” ; their “the one’s “ that need “investigation “

  • Isn’t it a fact “thieves” rely upon “gullible trust” and “guards down” and “gas lighting twisty lies into truths under emotions ”?! … nothings changed folks. NEVER FORGET


  • Hahaha I love how “It doesn’t mention MR. Biden or PRESIDENT Trump” at 30:05 so easily just rolled off her tongue. Thank you all for your diligence and great work. One of my favorite shows

  • I'm from NY. I thought my state was a permanent loss when it came to elections. I finally have hope. I am registered with this organization. Anything to help.

  • I watch you guys from time to time. Great show , good information. This show peeked my interest particularly for the voter fraud in NY is unbelievable. Wow

  • Hello Patriots

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  • Praying 🙏

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