TARTARIAN TALES 51 - The Siege of Tartar City - 1900 - 'ALL-Lied Forces' ending Purity, Spirit & Art

2 years ago

www.ARTofDiNo.com - PART 1 of the SIEGE SERIES - Started taking a look at this event, the Siege of Peking/Tartar City and WOW.. ALL of the info comes from the "All-Lied Forces' of USA, Germany, England etc.. BULLYING and ERADICATING a peaceful Nation governed by an EMPRESS!!nfor PATHETIC reasons and convincing the World public through Propaganda that "They HAD to do it" for the benefit of Humanity... While in actuality they were exterminating the Last Great Race of Pure, Magical, Inventive, Creative, Miracle Humans from an Ancient Time.. More proof that every war is designed to destroy everything Beautiful and Ancient about Our World.. the Main Goal was to sterilize reality for Humanity and make it void of anything special while ushering in the TURD of Communism and perpetual Oppression of Our TRUE Eternal Potential... it seems like every generation at some point in the mid-1800s, just started to get worse and worse and more and more useless and numb to True History as it slowly disappeared and was replaced by a Horde of Nonsense Mind Control filth that still persists today.... but not for long..

We must Know what they have done, and are still doing, in order to Conquer it in this Generation.. I pray we Do :)

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