The Blessing is in the Cluster (Still Telling It Like It Is with Ap. Dr. Baker)

1 year ago

Join Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a Doctor in Psychology with her guest Apostle Dr. Barry Cook.

"We're here to provoke you to think... about how you think about the word of GOD, how you think about women in ministry, how you think about different things... Let's keep it simple. Let's believe the way the New Testament relates it when it talks about men and women, and their interaction, and that we're as one... in Christ... We're not judged by our genders anymore... It's based on functionary aspects... The value of team ministry, the synergy of team ministry... whether you're male, female... we've got to then link together... we can't have these separate things... the new wine, of course; is found in the cluster... In working together, the new wine is found in a cluster, it's not to be found in one single grape... it's found in a cluster... The blessing... is in a cluster... this is something GOD's trying to do. The whole New Testament revelation was about these people working together and this synergy coming up between the different people... This healthy group of people that are working tightly together... there's a blessing inside of the cluster"

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