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Sexual Sin is the Bear Trap of Satan

2 years ago

Originally posted on YouTube on 06-19-21

Shalom Pillars,
First, a little about actual bear traps, commonly known as leg-hold traps. They are also referred to as snares and footholds! When an unknowing animal triggers the trap, the jaws (some have teeth and some don’t) slams down on the animal’s leg, It breaks the bones, rips into their skin, and holds them in place. Any animal that finds itself in such a situation will panic from shock, pain, and fear. It will naturally try to force itself out of the hold – only to fail and cause more pain and suffering. The unfortunate things struggle for hours – it’s fortunate enough – before it dies; succumbing to the pain and the exhaustion.

This is what sexual sin will do to you. It will cripple you leaving you unable to live your life the way God intended for you to live. Sexual sin will change your walk with God and affect every area of your life. The dangerous part about this is that it isn’t always instantly noticeable. The changes (for the worse) are subtle and gradual. In this lesson learn how to stay free of the traps of Satan.

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Best, Samuel
Smashing Pillars International - Founder and President


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