STOP Hating Work and Annihilate Procrastination With This...

1 year ago

Whether you're a high school student or working a regular job - you more than likely dislike the work. At best, tolerate it.

Putting all your mental and physical effort into it - just to take several hour breaks at night to recover for the same drudging pain the next day.


Work hard - rest hard to compensate. Repeat?
That's counterproductive at best.

Incorporate enjoyment into your work by firstly changing your motive to do it.
E.g. "I get to go to work/complete this assessment task" and "I can use this to become a better, wiser, more skilled person who can achieve my true ambitions".

At a job?
-Listen to podcasts and audiobooks in your quiet time.
-Start talking to your coworkers more.
-Change your motive - be conscious of this opportunity for you to better your skills... communication, empathy, dealing with stress, dealing with difficult people.

A school student?
-Teach content to inanimate objects or... people.
-Make videos explaining content.
-Make online mindmaps of content - it's actually fun.
-Pomodoro - work 25 mins with a fun, 5 min break and repeat.

Integrate work and play. Never tirelessly work another day in your life.

Books that have helped me learn what I talk about:
'You Were Born Rich' by Bob Proctor -
'Atomic Habits' by James Clear -

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