The Future of Wealth in a World of Cryptocurrency!

2 years ago

CoinMarketCap is a free crypto site that tracks the prices of over 11,000 cryptocurrencies with a total market capitalization of USD 1.924 trillion, or GBP 1.4 trillion (British pounds). It is sometimes referred to as the Wikipedia (Wiki) of crypto. CoinMarketCap was launched in 2013 by founder and former owner Brandon Chez. Today, Binance Holdings Limited owns and runs the business. Contrary to popular belief, CoinMarketCap is not an exchange, a wallet, or a trading platform and it is not listing these tokens for purchase. Instead, the website tracks and shows the prices of different coins, providing links to a variety of exchanges where you can purchase and
trade the tokens. Different types of exchanges are provided, such as spot exchanges, derivative exchanges, and decentralized finance (Defi) exchanges or DEXs. Do you probably wonder how CoinMarketCap works? So, listen!

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