Understand this ONE thing or risk never making an impact on the world...

1 year ago

Experience is power.

You may learn from the mistakes of others through Youtube, biographies or influencers.


Understand that everyone around you has experienced things you have not. Thus, they know certain thing you likely do not.

Put yourself out into the world; new places, new people, new work, new experiences.

Engage in honest, vulnerable conversation with people.

Learning from their experiences will not only aid your growth as an individual, but reinforce or challenge that person's beliefs so they may reflect and grow as well.

Further, by absorbing the lessons others have learnt - you may pass on that knowledge to others, just as I am here.

The brain neurologically learns most effectively when discussing things with others, speaking about your knowledge and beliefs and when attempting to teach it to others.

But - why should you learn?

The 37x rule mathematically deduces that a 1% personal improvement each day for a year results in a 37x gain (in quality of life) over that given year.

Stop being stagnant. Expose yourself to people, the planet. Take actionable steps to try new things and speak to new people about things you're learning and that which you've gone through.

This is how you contribute to both your own identity and that of everyone else you meet.
Be free, little bird.

'Everything is F*cked' and 'The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck' by Mark Manson - https://amzn.to/3CnxRwa
'Atomic Habits' by James Clear - https://amzn.to/3EeN0Bz

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