Ye Says He Loves Jews but not the moneychanger ones. Gets Canceled.

1 year ago

Ye says he loves jews just not the jew moneychangers. Didn't I hear the money changer thing before somewhere? Who was it that threw the money changers from the temple? I listened to several interviews. His cancelation is pure racism. Ye is not filled with hate. He just stands his ground and points. If you don't see it's the rich STILL SHILLING against the poor black culture you're still racist. The black population in America would be triple what it is now if the white abortion and poverty machine was never given the green light with Roe Vs. Wade. Yes he calls out black abortion. Yes he calls out corporate cancel culture. Yes we all came from Africa so he is a jew like he says. Thanks for the brave voice ringing in the Corporate Babylon. You're not canceled in my book. Got my first strike from youtube for posting this 1 and 1/2 minutes.

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