An Encouraging Word of Praise, Worship & Praise

1 year ago

Words to Encourage You and Build You Up in Gods Word and a time of Praise, Prayer and Worship UNTO HIM WHO IS ABLE TO DO EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL THAT YOU COULD ASK OR THINK, ACCORDING TO THE POWER AT WORK IN YOU! (Ephesians 3:20)

Mahalo for choosing to allow us into your life through this ministry - we trust we are a blessing to you and pray that you will share these videos with others - with the hope it will bless them as well.

Gods Blessings (E AKUA Pu) & Aloha In Jesus Christ..

Please write us via our web/app:
(request prayer, share testimonies, give into our ministry)

you can also find us on YouTube: alohakap1
on Truth Social: KahuSkip

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