Personal Growth || When You're Overwhelmed: Being Honest With Yourself When Things Go Wrong

2 years ago

#PersonalGrowth #WhenYoureOverwhelmed #ShayoliHope

Get help applying what we talked about today:

When you're overwhelmed, you're probably not looking at your whole life honestly.

Being honest with yourself when things go wrong is not easy. Why is that?

We don't like to face uncomfortable truths. We'd rather live in an illusion that makes us feel good about ourselves.

Problem is--that doesn't work! When we don't face the truth, we dig ourselves into a deeper and deeper hole until it's impossible to ignore.

And then more and more areas in life start to suck.

And all that only creates MORE overwhelm.

For personal growth, take inventory of your life:
- The bad AND the good.
- Where you're struggling and where you're succeeding.
- What dreams you've ignored and the ones you're moving toward.
- What bothers you about yourself and what you love about yourself.

I've had a long-time habit of pulling the wool over my eyes. To not see what makes me feel uncomfortable.

That's why the poem featured in this video hits me right in the gut. "The Half-Turn of Your Face" by David Whyte.

I tell the embarrassing story of backing over the neighbor kid's bike, and sideswiping a friend's car on the same day. I avoided looking at the damage for a long time.

We all have a radical part of ourselves that is firmly resolved to change our life.

Take stock: What's going RIGHT? What's stopping you from going after your dreams?

Personal growth action opportunity:

- Write in your journal how you'd ideally like a typical day to go. Include feeling words. What it would be like to live that way?

- Make a detailed list of what you actually do in a typical day. Note the areas where it doesn't align with the ideal. What do you get to change?

Being honest with yourself when things go wrong--as well as when things go right--is always the most skillful way to live.

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