NASA scientists working on ground missions in preparation to put American boots back on the moon

1 year ago

NASA scientists working on ground missions in preparation to put American boots back on the moon

NASA plans to launch the rocket ship Artemis I into space in just less than a month. It’s part of the plan to get Americans back on the moon and to explore more of space. It would be the first time in five decades since the Apollo missions.

The Desert Research and Technology Studies (Desert RATS) NASA team and partners, including the United States Geological Survey, have been practicing rover operations about an hour away from the Grand Canyon for just over two weeks. The training mission primarily focuses on conducting pressurized rover operations and improving current technology. NASA experts say these skills are key elements of future Artemis missions.

The rover that is currently being tested was built more than a decade ago. The teams of scientists are working to improve the current technology that is being used.

NASA expects to use these pressurized moon rovers beginning with Artemis III, which is expected to take place in 2025. This mission aims to put the first woman and the first person of color on the moon.

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